Trigger warning r*pe. New boyfriend

So something very triggering just happened to me. Long story sorry in advanced. I was r*ped in 2019 by someone I was dating and was diagnosed a few weeks ago with PTSD I also have depression and anxiety. I have a thing with men they scare me very bad.

Well anyway so I went out with a guy in 2018 (not the same guy who r*ped me.) and he was a gentleman and I really enjoyed his company. we recently reconnected on a dating app. We hung out again he was a gentleman last time too. After talking for a few months we became official.

Ok so tonight he asked if he could come over because he just got off work so I said sure. Mind you this is at like 1am. Told him before hand I did not want to do anything sexual due to me being on my period. He said that’s fine. When he gets here and we kiss it smells like he’s been drinking which is weird because he just drove so that startled me like how are you drunk if you just came from work. Long story cut short he kept trying to have sex with me. Wouldn’t stop putting my hand on his dick or stop trying to kiss me. I told him I didn’t want to numerous times. I told him even before coming over here I didn’t want to do anything sexual.

Then he starts getting angry and I see the way he starts changing, he starts holding my head down so I can’t get up from hugging him, he kept asking why I didn’t want to have sex and got to the point where he raised his voice. I asked him repeatedly please stop yelling and I started crying because I have PTSD and I felt like the time I got r*ped. He doesn’t know that happened to me since we only just started dating. I started crying and he told me to stop crying and he kept trying to get on top of me and I felt extremely suffocated. Then when I said no again he kept being mad saying he drove 30 minutes and wanted to do something (meaning sex.) Repeatedly this happened for like an hour. I kept saying no. I asked him if he was okay to drive he said “obviously not.” Kept trying to make out with me and I finally gave in and just let him kiss me so he would stop being angry. I thought he might hurt me the way he got angry so fast. It honestly scared me. I told him if he wanted to spend the night so he wouldn’t have to drive, even offered him an Uber and he said no and left. I have extreme anxiety. I’m crying in my room right now . He never acted like this before . He was so sweet and nice before and now that I see he’s like this is feel afraid of him. He knows where I live (he’s been here before to pick me up.) I don’t want to talk to him anymore. I’m so stressed out and my anxiety is so bad. I don’t know what to do.