Working moms


Hi! I have stayed home with my son since birth but I recently just got a job that requires me to work two 11 hour shifts. Sometimes on weekends and sometimes its during the week. I’ve got weekends figured out but I’m looking for advice on the weekdays.

Traffic is terrible where I live so I have to leave extra early to make it to work on time. I will have to wake the baby up pretty early, drop him off at my moms, then commute to work. Once my boyfriend gets off work he will go home to shower, pick up the baby from my moms and begin the nightly routine of play time-dinner-bath time- relax time- bedtime. I know it is going to be struggle for the baby and my boyfriend. My son is extremely clingy to me and has been EBF until recently. I have always been the only one to feed him and put him to sleep for naps and bedtime. We are doing practice runs for the next two weeks of my mom watching him for extended hours during the day and letting my boyfriend do the night routine. My biggest concern is the lack of sleep my baby is going to get. He hasn’t been the best sleeper to begin with and is a contact napper and a night time he’s sharer. I’m going to try to start naps in the crib so that it’s easier for my mom to have him nap at her house during the day. I’m also really concerned about waking him up so early, like 5am early and then dropping him off with my mom. I know it’s going to mess with his sleep schedule.

Is there any other momma with a similar schedule and how does your baby do with the sleep or lack of sleep they get? Any tips, tricks or advice is greatly appreciated.