Is it weird?

ren • Student

Is it weird for my man to tell me he doesn’t want to get married until I am set in my career/working?

Im 21 working full time as a preschool teacher and he is 25 working full time at a national lab making a very good living. Me on the other hand not so much haha. We have been together for 2 years.

I’m in school part time hoping to get into PA school to become a PA (Physician Assistant). I have my bachelors in Biochemistry but its a really long education route to PA which means we’re not getting married anytime soon (at least 4-5 years if not more). Idk. I feel like this is just kind of an excuse to not get married on his end as I know a lot of colleagues who do work and do school part time and still get married.

Is this weird?

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