My boyfriends in the hospital


Hey y’all I really need to vent/rant to help my process some things sorry for the long post ahead.

Yesterday morning I got a call from my boyfriends phone while he was at work. When I answered it was his manager he said my boyfriend was having some problems and wanted him to call me and I should head up to the shop (boyfriend is a mechanic). I got to the shop and his friend saw me and my son walking towards the building and came out to us. He asked if I was there to pick up my boyfriends phone. I was confused so he told me my boyfriend left in an ambulance. I got the rest of his stuff and headed to the hospital. When I got there the hospital wouldn’t let me in with my son. They said I could go back but my son couldn’t. I said that wasn’t a problem and headed to my grandmas house to drop my son off 45 minutes away. On the way to drop my son off I called my boyfriends mom to let her know what happened. By the time I got to the hospital the hospital would not let me trade places with his mom even though we all had negative covid tests. After lots of waiting and labs found out he has acute pancreatitis and will be stuck in the hospital several days because he also has type two diabetes and they’re having a hard time getting his levels back to normal. His mom works the rest of the week and it’s killing me that I can’t be with him while hes in icu. I’m a little upset because the hospital didn’t tell me or his mom that there could only be one patient per visitor per entire stay, but I understand that policy is policy. I’m just so worried about my boyfriend. If anyone has any knowledge of pancreatitis and is willing to educate me please let me know so info. I’m sure change of diet is in order but am totally lost in the best way to support my boyfriend.