Girl friends

Ok so I’m 24 and honestly I don’t really have real life female friendships in my life. I met some great girls online, but it’s just not the same. I dropped all my old friends a few years ago, because I felt like they were toxic friendships and I really needed to focus and find myself. now that I am almost done with school, it would be really nice to find some good genuine friendships. However, i’m struggling bc I did isolate myself and obviously COVID didn’t help with that either. I’m in nursing school and there’s some great people, but I have a hard time socializing. How can I make the transition from just school relationship to genuine friendship?? I have a super hard time, sometimes I think maybe something is wrong with me!! Or maybe it’s just social anxiety since it’s been awhile. anyone have any tips? 😭😭 I think having 2 good girl friendships would be perfect.