Moving to the City?

Hey girls! I’m wanting some advice about the city life.

I’ve lived in the same small town my whole life. I’ve always wanted to move to the city but never wanted to be alone and leave my family.

That’s when I met my SO.. he moved here 7 years ago to be with me.

He is originally from the city. In the time he has moved here we’ve pretty much lived paycheck to paycheck and haven’t accomplished much.

I’ve been a stay at home mom most of that time. To our 4 year old and 2 year old. My SO has been the main provider and we have had financial problems in the past with over spending on nonsense.

But since the pandemic we had to move in with family and really take a look at our lives! And we are finally ready to take the steps to be successful in our lives.

And it’s finally time for us to move back out on our own and start our lives again. The problem is my SO is wanting to move back to the city or at-least the surrounding areas and I think I’m ready too.

But the city is two and half hours away from my small town meaning we’ll be pretty far from my family. The towns in between are way to expensive for us to afford. But I feel like the city offers more then my small town can offer

More jobs? More rental options? More to explore? I mean I don’t see any down side to this expect being away from my family and with our financial past I’m kinda scared to move so far without anyone to help if needed.

 and that is also the reason I want to leave. I don’t want to depend on anyone anymore. I want to take control of my own life. And venture out!

But after talking to my mom about moving even 30 min away she talks about the shootings and who will help with the kids etc etc. and then I’m back over thinking my decisions..

That’s why I’m wanting your help.

I’m a small town girl. Wanting to move to the big city with my children and boyfriend. To start our own life but I’m scared because I’ve been so dependent on my family in the past. And continue to fail. I’m wanting to move away to get out of my comfort zone.

Should I stay in my small town. Try to find a rental and work on being more independent here?


Take a leap of faith and move to the big city. Find a rental, maybe go to college and work on being more independent from afar?