HELP! Bottle to nursing?


My baby was born at 37 weeks and she was really little. We struggled with latching and she would just fall asleep. Nothing we would do would keep her awake to nurse so we started bottlefeeding her pretty much from the beginning because she really needed to gain weight fast. Now that she is three weeks old and past her due date, has gained weight, better at eating and staying awake I want to work on nursing. When I try she’ll latch and then suckle for a bit but then just cries. We go through the cycle over and over again until eventually give her of bottle. Do I just have to keep doing this cycle and not give her the bottle or what else should I be doing to help make this transition. I’m producing plenty of milk and she gets it when she suckles but I don’t know why she stops to cry... even at the bottle she’s a super slow eater. I’m about ready to give up trying. 😭