I get to look at my IUD on ultrasound!


I’m sitting here waiting to have an ultrasound because during my pelvic exam my doctor thinks he found a large cyst on my ovary (I have PCOS) and wants to take a look. and I asked him if I would be able to see my IUD and he said yes.

I’m distracting myself with the fact that I get to see my uterus and my IUD. Trying not to think about the fact that I might have a huge cyst on my ovary. That’s terrifying. Fuck PCOS

I will try to get pictures of my IUD on ultrasound and if there’s a cyst I will get a picture of that SOB too

Check for update

Update: IUD and uterus

this is my right ovary. It’s all polycystic. All those black spots are cysts

And this is my left ovary. HUGE cyst full of blood. If it doesn’t go away within 2 months it will require surgery.