Am I pregnant ?! Need advise


Hi all,

35 years old. Trying for our rainbow baby.

We lost our baby in Jan first week. 12 weeks due to chromosome disorder. It was a natural loss and no surgery was required.

Feb 5 got a light cycle period. Very light.

Feb 12 to Feb 18 ( think this was my fertile window) and made use of it.

Feb 20 onwards started trying home test as I have white discharge, cramps, bloating, gassy sometime and headaches on and off. Smell sensation strong too sometimes.

Feb 20- negative home test

Feb 21 - got 1 negative test however got 1 posisitve 3 mins - yes for first response test. Got so happy and did a blood test on

Feb -23 blood test results negative and a negative clear blue line test.

Am I pregnant ?! A part of me wants to believe I am with few mild symptoms and 1 positive yes. Is this even possible to get a yes if I am not.

Did I test too early