Low testosterone

So my husband has been unwell with different problems for over a year had tons of tests and nothing but the doctor now thinks it is down to low testosterone we are just waiting on blood results to confirm it he has ED and it is effecting our marriage big time I feel like I can't even touch him anymore incase he thinks I am trying it on and I don't want to push him away it seems like he trys to avoid me where possible I have spoken to him about it and he says he's embarrassed about the ED and he doesn't want to disappoint me I completely get it but I am feeling really low now he doesn't touch or kiss me anymore he waits until I am asleep to come to bed I have stopped trying to have sex with him out of guilt as I don't want him to feel bad about it but it's driving me insane I have put so much weight on because I have been really down about it all I just want my fun loving husband back the one that loves a cuddle or randomly smacks my bum while am cooking tea he used to be all over me all the time and now just nothing I just keep looking at myself thinking you are descusting no wonder he dosnt want you we have 3 disabled children that also puts a lot of strain on us someone please tell me this will end I need him to want me again I Don't really have any close friends I can talk to about it he is my best friend hes the one I talk to about my problems I have wrote this about 10 times now not knowing weather to actually post it as I sound so selfish but am I really selfish to want a good relationship with my husband any tips or help would be greatly appreciated 💔