Switching to formula to help tummy???


Hi mommas

My son is still in the never ending horrendous age range for colic. It started around 3/4 weeks and was initially just him crying pretty much around the clock. I eliminated caffeine in an attempt to help. I also tried many other suggested remedies such as holding him up after he eats for 20 mins, doing bicycle legs to help with digestion, and colic pills/gripe water. About a month ago in addiction to the crying he started having fits where he seemed constipated? I could see him straining and he seemed to be in pain. I called my pediatrician and explained that his poop was obviously not hard- and sometimes seems like diarrhea despite this constipation symptom. He is not on solid foods yet and is exclusively breast fed. He has no other symptoms so my doctors are just saying it’s colic and he will grow out of it. I am now also not consuming dairy because they think it could be a cow milk protein allergy.

Has anyone ever had better results going from breast milk to formula? I ask because I’ve read that breast milk is easiest for them to digest- I feel like switching would make it worse. Any advice in general would be well received. Thank you