TRYING TO Conceive


I’m on my first baby, I’m 21 years old shockingly I got pregnant very quickly with my first child but I haven’t got so lucky with the second my periods have been so irregular it’s hard to pinpoint when I’m ovulating! I have 03 different <a href="">period apps</a> for TTC & <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> I have this app which says I’m in my fertile window this week , the Flo app which says I don’t ovulate for another 20 days & I also have Ovia , the Ovia app says my fertile window was between the 13th and the 18th but this is where the confusion sets in I don’t really know to much about the ovulation test & the perfect time to have sex, but since my period is so irregular I just go with the flow & have sex every other day just in case. So according to my Ovia app I just ovulated & I’ve been experiencing abdominal cramps , leg pain , back pains , frequent urination , & slight nausea and I’ve been extremely tired now idk if it’s nausea or if I’m just overthinking or reaching because I wanna be pregnant but if I did ovulate according to Ovia I’d be 5DPO . Could these just be ovulation symptoms? Maybe pms ? Please share your thoughts & experiences with me thank you