Am I crazy or is there a line?


My husband experienced two back to back miscarriages in 2020 and have been trying for our rainbow baby since November of 2020. I didn’t think this month was my month and was expecting my period. I have symptoms of my breasts being incredibly sore, my nipples hurt (tmi I’m sorry lol) I get super nauseous randomly, I feel like I could sleep for 23 hours and I’ve have a weird insane obsession with eating raw onions when I’ve always HATED eating them. I’ve been trying not to think about it so I don’t psych myself out. I hate being disappointed. Af is two days late and I’m normally always on time for af every 28 days exactly. I was convinced to finally take a test and we both believe we see a faint line. Like a very very faint line. I’ll attach different angles and with flash and without. Praying it’s positive and praying it sticks!!!

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