Possibly 10DPO


So based on glow I am 10 dpo and I say based on glow because this cycle I decided to not use ovulation test this cycle and just tried to take it a little easy and now that I am supposedly 10 dpo I thought I start testing today and I think I might have seen a shadow of a line but it could just be my line eyes and wishful thinking and I have been having some crazy symptoms this cycle and some started at 5 dpo like being really dizzy and nauseous but the nausea has gotten a little more worse I also have been super tired and having sore nipples and boobs but more in the nipples and also what has been happening today is this cramping that I can’t tell if it’s implantation cramping or my period coming along like my uterus feel stiff and kinda heavy in a way and the cramps are a bit confusing also because they are like a pinching and burning and stinging feeling which is a bit weird it’s also cause cramps on my actual like outer vagina area I guess and my last symptom so far is just being really hungry so if you guys had any of these symptoms and got a bfp pls let me know and what other symptoms did you guys have, I will also be putting a photo I think might show a line on a test but not sure