Covid thought

To start I have been taking this Covid thing very seriously especially because I just had a baby 3 months ago. So I found out I was pregnant for our states shut down.

We don’t take our baby anywhere but the drs or to my parents house. When my husband comes home from work he goes straight to the shower. He works in a drs office. Only one of us goes to the store at a time. We always wear our mask ( I do have mixed feelings about it.)

I really just want it all to go away. I don’t want my son to grow up seeing everyone wearing masks. I don’t want it to be his normal. I hate wearing a mask I feel like it should be a choice not a mandate situation. On the other hand I have high anxiety and couldn’t think about going into a store without one and that’s sad.

I have two ways of thinking about it. Make it like idk a 3 month law that everyone has to wear one (just making up a time line). Or take away the mandate and say if you want to wear one that’s fine and if not it’s your choice.

I normally don’t talk about this stuff but I just had to get it out.