I got ready today..


Yesterday was tough. At 5:30 am I went pee and had to tell my husband the bad news..again. Levels were confirmed that I was going through my third miscarriage. I knew instantly I was since I have been through it all before. I could see the lost look in his eyes. I took Tylenol and even went to work like nothing was wrong. This morning I decided to just get ready. I styled my hair and threw on some makeup I hardly wear. I had to cover up the bags under my eyes and the puffy look from yesterday. It definitely doesn’t get easier! Last night my husband constantly was asking if I’m okay, I obviously said yes. I told him I’m numb, I don’t know what to say. Loss of words and feelings! Today I woke up not pregnant and have cried driving to work and I tear up off and on during work. I’m ready to figure out why we keep having these unfortunate events. I put everything in believing god has a plan for us and all on his time. Even healing.