When did you really start washing clothes/bottle/binkies?


So I’m 33 weeks pregnant. This is baby number 2, and I’m procrastinating hard. The most I’ve done is wash some blankets & bath towels & wash clothes. I packed her bigger clothes in totes and kept out her mini things, got my nighttime diaper situation set up but other than that NOTHIN’! I haven’t built anything like her change table or bassinet, I don’t know why but I’m just not excited to get this show on the road. This pregnancy has been a hard one, mentally. My 3 year old is literally getting worse by the day with tantrums and demanding things from me and straight up being mean to me for no reason. I’m so emotional about it that it’s made me cry on occasion, idk if it’s him reacting to not wanting a sibling but it’s getting real old - and it’s making me full of dread instead of excited for baby girl to arrive on April 8th. So basically, I just need to know what’s the latest you mamas have gone before you started doing the real stuff lol.. any & all answers would be SO appreciated. Help a mama (a procrastinating one) out please!

Also: with my first, I washed EVERYTHING. And besides blankets and swaddles and bassinet sheets, is it truly necessary to wash baby girls little clothes?