Am I wrong? What should I do?


So we took in our 13 year old nephew. He is my husband's sisters son. We also have a son that is 11. Anyway my husband's dad has never been a part of our sons life. But he has been apart of our nephews life. He wants to come get our nephew for lunch. I feel like that would hurt my sons feelings knowing his grandpa only wants to take one of his grandkids out. Am I wrong for telling him no???

And also I wanted to know your opinions on this other question I have. So we took him in because his mom is a drug addict and she just didn't care. And when he lived with his aunt (my husband's other sister) something horrible happened to him. My question is his caseworker will allow him over to that fuckin* place only if the person that hurt him isn't there! Wtf!? Even tho he wants to see his aunt and his other cousins is it wrong of me to not let him go over there for the simple fact that he got hurt there? Btw the grandpa I mentioned above lives there also. He's sad he can't go there but I want to protect him at all costs!