4 weeks ish and cramps

Regan • ☼ wife ⋒ boy mama💙 ◦ expecting baby #2 🤍

I’m around 4 weeks and ive been having lower back cramps this morning and then I have some random cramps on front after exercise.. I called my doctor to see what my hCG levels were on Monday and they told me they didn’t even draw them. That if I expect I’m having a miscarriage to call them and just watch for a warning signs so that kind of freaks me out because I’ve had one before. I had a miscarriage in 2019 and Then the month after I got pregnant with my son and he is healthy and now 13 months old. So we were trying for baby number two and now I’m pregnant and I’m a little bit nervous I’m hoping for the best but the fear just kind of lives in ya.

Is anyone else experiencing this? I’m due around November 1 or 2nd. According to my calculations but honestly it could be anywhere from October 24 to November 2nd.