I’m so confused 🥺


On January 26 I had my period, it lasted 4 days in my normal 2 to 3 days. But I've been on hormones for a year on progesterone. I thought my period got longer because of that. Well, on March 6 this month, I had some small dark brown spots, that does not happen unless my period is coming, I said, my God, I had a lot of pain again, and I said I have a pregnancy test and it came out negative. I kept getting stained for 4 days. I repeated another equally negative test. and the day 13,16,17 and 18 had stained the same brown and little. I feel pregnant and I don't know if it's my desire to be, but today I had a small clear sticky discharge and it's weird because I'm not ovulating and my period has to come in 4 days dias I don't know what to do. I have an appointment on the 26th with my doctor. I do another test or do I wait, wait for my appointment? I have PCOS and have been trying to get pregnant for three years.

First test

Second test 🥺

I’m so tired of trying 💔

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