Vvvfl on FRER but no on frer digital 😞

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone had any insight on this but I took two FRER pregnancy test this morning (af is due today) I’m 14dpo and according to BBT I ovulated on the 10th. I had what I think was IB after dtd with dh on 9dpo and it only lasted for a couple wipes and was brown/light pink. I never spot after sex and it wasn’t rough, so I was just wondering

1.) how long after IB You got an obvious BFP?

2.) are the FRER Digital’s as sensitive as the FRER?

I haven’t had many symptoms recently just some cramps since 9dpo and pressure in lower abdomen. My cm is normal dry/watery on the day before and day of af but it’s still creamy sorry tmi and cervix is still high and soft. I’m holding on to a string of hope so any insight would be great!