Has anyone else had this happen?

So my last period was on 11/13. I've always had irregular cycles and my periods last 1-1.5 weeks. I've been to the doctor before and they say it is normal for me to have periods like this so that's not worrying me.

My husband and ai have been having sex every other day or a few days in between since emy period ended up until now. I did a few pregnancy tests about mid December and around Christmas. And they all said invalid or vvvvvfl.

I did another one 5 days ago and one yesterday and they are coming back negative or blank. On Friday night 2/19, I started faint light pink spotting once and when I would wipe it did it, only lasted an hour. Saturday same thing I wiped light pink spotting and barely anything on a pad.

Sunday same thing, Monday I started spotting alil more but it was now a brown color and started looking like a period. Now today I had more of what looked like a period around this afternoon but it still was only brown and very light. This evening it stopped and is back to spotting and I wiped and there was like a weird brown string like almost like a blood clot you would get during your period except very dry thin and brown colored.

I'm thinking about scheduling a blood test to see if there's still a chance of pregnancy but also on the fence about doing it.

Any thoughts? Please don't be mean, I have been on edge lately and starting tobe in the dumps more.