Ladies, I need your help deciphering manspeak

Last night my best guy friend told me he sees me as more than a friend. I told him he has the green light if he wants to pursue something more. Then he told me he moves slow and could leave the friend zone when he wants to. Um...ok?
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He wants to sleep around still.


Cece • Nov 30, 2015
I'd say


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I would say he is interested in you, maybe he thinks this will/might keep you only wanting him while he still plays the field until he is ready for a commitment. This happened to me, and he even went as far too tell my best friend he thought he loved me but when we tales of getting serious he just said he was too scared (as I have two kids).Guys are confusing


Brooke • Nov 30, 2015
he meant in a way of being with me would be even more of a commitment because I have children, and our relationship would of had to be alot different than the life style he was living at that time. I think it's messed up he told me he had any feelings I'd he doesn't want to act on it but I think he was also not wanting to get in a relationship with a woman with kids if he couldn't guarantee it would work out or not for the kids sake


Li • Nov 30, 2015
What the heck? Why would your having kids affect what kind of person you are in a relationship? If you two are friends, he should already know who you are as a person.


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I'd say that means he likes you but not enough to take the plunge. Either that or he is nervous that dating would ruin your friendship should you break up. I'd let him know that you won't wait for him to make up his mind forever.


Li • Nov 30, 2015
Yep, or just close the door to him now. Not even in a relationship yet and he's already acting shady.


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Wants to just keep you on the hook. Don't stop dating because waiting around for a dude to decide whether or not he wants to be with you is unacceptable and not even something you need to consider doing.