Should I purchase a Washing Machine?



I have two children ... a 3 year old a 3 month old and my husband and I and we have loads of laundry every week it’s so much .... I am thinking a washing machine and a dryer would greatly help us tackle that burden and save us time .... what do you think? 🤷‍♀️

449 views • 2 upvotes • 17 comments



Posted at
You've been washing everything by hand??? Oh my. I can't imagine. Yes you 100% need a washing machine.


Star • Feb 26, 2021
Thank you very much for your comments will do 🎉


Mommaof4 • Feb 25, 2021
I really think you should by it and a year from now look back and youll be like, I cannot believe we used to wash everything by hand with 2 kids, that was really insane lol. I washed a load by hand once just for me and my husband before we had kids and I found it to be very difficult and time consuming, and I tend to sweep and not vacuum and we cook every meal so Im fairly domestic. but getting all the detergent out, line drying your underwear etc. ....super time consuming


Posted at
Holy crap. I couldn’t imagine washing everything by hand! I usually wash my kids costumes & things require to be hand wash but I have a load every couple days between us all! I highly highly suggest a washer & dryer. It will change your life!


Posted at
I would say definitely get a washer and dryer! I just gave birth to baby number 5 a few hours ago and adding his launders to the laundry I’m already doing is a terrible thought already lol. My older 4 kids make roughly 4-5 loads together and I make 2 and my husband makes 3. I could never wash by hand because there is not enough time in the day to do so. LolEither buy or rent one for sure.


An • Feb 26, 2021
Thank you so much


Star • Feb 26, 2021
Wonderful congratulations 🍾🎉🎊🎈


An • Feb 25, 2021
Thank you!!!


Posted at
Definitely 100% yes. Get them.


Posted at
Absolutely buy one. Our washing machine was broken for a week and it sucked so much washing everything by hand for that week. I don't know how you do it. I hated hand washing stuff