MIL issues

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I'm having my MIL's youngest sons baby...her golden child. She's a very....abrasive person....I've asked her not to touch my stomach...I don't let my own family touch my stomach....and she continues to do so and even puts her face on it. she's told me what my kid will and will not husband and I travel for rodeos and motocross competitions and we got into a discussion about it... My mil stating that because I'm having a girl that we shouldn't have her ride motocross....and that we should push horses on her so that my daughter and my MIL can do something together....I told her my daughter will have the option to do both, either one or neither one....that upset my MIL who went on saying that we should also leave our daughter with her while we are on the road and she'll push the horses on her....I told her no....we bought a REALLY nice trailer so that we could accommodate having a baby/kid on the road while we are she BLEW up on me getting pissed saying I'm selfish because I won't allow her in the room when Emma is born(we aren't allowing anyone even at the hospital), that I'm not allowing her bonding time by leaving Emma with her while we travel (we've been known to travel weeks at a time) and that me not allowing her to have her ride with her is selfish( I didn't say she couldn't...I said if Emma doesn't want to then she will NOT be forced to)...
She never speaks nor acts like this Infront of my husband who has already in the past told her to chill out when we've had disagreements. I'm at a loss of how to handle her at this point, I go outta my way to see her because it makes her happy but this is pretty much what happens every time....