Drifting apart from a life long friend


;( I became online friends with this girl (K) when I was in second grade and she was in first. I’m currently in my first year of high school and we’re still friends, I guess. Over the past year or so it’s been really different.

We’ve always been kind of different in what we do. She’s sociable, has tons of friends, does sports, etc. I really have one friend in real life and close ones online. After school I play videogames and watch tv with my Mom.

I’ve always been somewhat mature. Usually a bit more mature then my age group. And I always felt like it was the opposite with K. Like she was less mature then her age group but idk.

I just feel like we’re drifting apart. Friendships mean a lot to me and especially with my close ones. I used to consider her my best friend and her to me. I message her all the time, but I’ve always had to wait a while for a response. But lately I’ve had to wait days and maybe even a week. I’ve brought this up to her and she said it’s because she’s busy in real life and she deleted the app we talk on a lot (parents).

It still kind of bothers me though. We could be in a middle of a conversation, she’ll randomly leave, then pretend nothing happened. She almost never messages me first either. I’m not the kind of person to care about things like that, but she literally rarely does.

More recently K went on a week long vacation. (It honestly wasn’t the safest move at all but I didn’t tell her that). She told me she was going to delete the app we talk on until she gets back. I said it’s kind of weird that she always deletes the app we talk on but not Instagram or Snapchat. I explained it kind of made me feel like a burden and a second choice. She freaked out at me and said her parents wouldn’t be mad with Instagram or Snapchat and that my worrying about everything is annoying (I am diagnosed with anxiety but ouch-)

K also said that she never said she didn’t delete Instagram or Snapchat, but she’s told me in the past that she has never deleted them.

I was really upset but I just apologized and moved on.

When she came back it was the day before my birthday. We talked for a bit, but not long. On the day of my birthday she made me a video. She said the file was too big and wouldn’t send on the app. This has happened before, so I suggested doing it on Instagram. We’ve used Instagram in the past because the file is too big a lot. K sent a ton of messages explaining how Instagram wouldn’t work and that she wanted to use Snapchat. I’m not familiar with Snapchat, but I do have it. I explained that to her as well as my Snapchat has my full name in it and I’m not comfortable with that.

She replied 7 hours later and continued saying under no circumstance would she she Instagram. I asked her why and she just said she’ll make a new Instagram account for it and that was that.

She sent me the video and I loved it! It was so adorable. We talked for a bit on Instagram and she said we should ditch the other app and start talking on Instagram. That made me feel a bit uncomfortable since we’ve talked on the other app for like 3 years, so I just said maybe.

(ALSO, I’m her only online friend while I have a lot and a few close ones. I use the other app all the time and I’d assume she doesn’t).

I asked her a question about something (I forget what) and didn’t get a response. I assumed it was just K being K and moved on.

Before I went to sleep, I checked the account and it said “user not found”. I messaged her on the other app asking if she blocked me. K said she deleted the account... even though she literally just said we should talk only one there. I mentioned that it was a bit weird because wolf that reason. She didn’t reply.

Today I was watching over the video and saw that it was 50 seconds long. The app allows you to send videos under 60 seconds and smaller files. So I figured maybe it was a big fuel, but I tested it out anyway. And it sent. Perfectly fine. Then I asked my other friend to send it back to me to double check. Perfectly fine. She lied.

NOW, it’s been 4 days and we haven’t talked. I know this sounds like a big chain of events, but she does stuff similar to this A LOT. And it’s always bothered me, but it’s becoming more frequent.

Whenever I talk to her or think about her I just get a big pit in my stomach and I hate it. I wish we could just go back to the way things were.

So yeah. That’s my story on how I think we’re drifting apart. It really sucks. Everything we do I always put in a lot more effort than her. I would even appreciate a little bit.

On some level I want to salvage the friendship, but I know it takes two for that. And I’ve semi mentioned this stuff to her before and she always got really defensive and blamed me. I just feel like we’re too different all of a sudden and I just don’t know what to do. Anything would be appreciated, honestly.

I know being “best friends forever” is just something people say as kids. But I honestly thought it would be true with K and I ;-;