Roxanne Aurora 2/22/21


Her original due date was 3/3 but due to hypertension (consistent readings at 140/90) we induced on 2/21. My induction started around 5 pm. We arrived at 11:30am but there were a few emergencies so we had to wait before it was our turn to be evaluated and sent into a birthing room. We started with my cervix high and closed but soft. I got two doses of misoprostol which was triggering for me because of previous losses. It made me start to bleed a little bit after 8 hours I was at 2cm. They tried to insert the balloon to help me dilate to a 4 but babies head kept pushing it away so we decided to wait on that and just start the pitocin. Let me say those first couple checks were excruciating. A few hours later I was at a 4 with bulging waters on my own. I labored without the epidural until my water broke on it’s own (I used a yoga ball to bounce a lot) and then the contractions became so insane I was almost at the point of blacking out. When they checked me again I was still at a 4 after 6 hours of the initial check and I decided to get the epidural to see if I could get over the hump and I had reached my pain max. The epidural was sincerely amazing. I could still move my legs and was able to labor in bed on my hands and knees as I wanted. When it came time to push I was able to do so squatting and could still feel the pressure of my contractions to help guide me. I pushed for an hour and a half (entire labor since first dose of meds 31 hrs) and she came flying out like Superman with her hand on her face. Daddy got to catch her! (With help from the doctor) I got a second degree tear and a cervical tear. She was 7lbs 13oz and 18 1/2 inches born at 22:12 hrs.