March Baby became February Baby

Taylor • Married 09/22 with 2 beautiful girls Artemis Royale (5) and Iris Calliope (3) TTC number 3

So i was set to get a csection on March 1st I had been feeling off I kept getting back and chest pain so I called my doctor Monday and they sent me to L&D they said I was fine no contractions and babies heartbeat was normal. I had a NST Tuesday morning at the hospital so I went in and was ready to just be in and out. I was talking to the nurse about my chest pain and started having a couple contractions. Well the babies heart rate fluctuated with the contraction and the send me for a BBP ultrasound during the ultrasound she didn’t kick at all so it gave her a score of 6/8 the nurse came in and told me it should be a perfect score so they scheduled my csection for 1:30 it was 11 when they told me. I had to call my husband who had just took a sleeping pill to go to bed (he works midnights and hadn’t slept at all.) he had no car because mines broke down and I had his so I had to call my mom to pick him up and drop him off. He got there an hour before my csection which then was bumped up because there was a girl who needed an emergency one. With my first daughter the spinal didn’t work so I expected the same it felt like it took them forever and poked me a thousand times and when they told me to lie down I thought it didn’t work and then started feeling numb I was so happy to be awake my husband came in and I threw up during. I also could see everything that was happening because of the light above me had the reflection like a mirror. I watched them pull her out she was all tangled in her umbilical cord and I was lucky that they did it that day.

Iris Calliope was born at 3:16pm February 23, 2021 and was 7lbs 10oz 20inches long. I was 38 weeks and 1 day.