False positive first response! *Update*

Ashley • Momma to Leo (born 5/15/19 @ 35 wks), TTC #2 ❤️

*Update* just figured I would post my experience, I ended up bleeding the night I got my test results, yesterday I tested again and it was negative. Definitely a frustrating and disappointing experience but through these boards I’ve learned how incredibly common it is. For me personally, I think these early read tests will cause me more heartache in the end so I’m going to try my best to hold off on testing early moving forward. I also want to say that I’ve heard so many encouraging stories about healthy pregnancies after chemical losses. 💕 wishing you all the best in your journeys ladies

Hi everyone. I’m having quite the emotional roller coaster this week. I’m now2-3 days late for my period (which has NEVER happened) and I’ve been getting faint pos lines for the last 5 days (over 15 total, all frer and also 2 pos clearblue!). Since they were not getting darker (and because I had one episode of spotting while wiping after using the restroom) I called my OB. They did a blood hcg and it’s 4 which is NEGATIVE! The nurse didn’t have an explanation as to why I’d be still showing a positive result at home.

I’ve read about kidney infections? Not sure if this is true? I have had nausea and fatigue all week and today did notice some lower back aches.

Has this happened to anyone else?!

I’ll be heading to urgent care to request a urinalysis I think...