Induction at 37 weeks 😳 - FRIDAY!


Okay so I have a lot to say 🤪

This is my second baby. My daughter just turned 2 in January. When I was pregnant with her, I could not wait for it to be over. I was so miserable! When I was induced with her at 39 weeks I could have done a backflip. I didn’t need any pain relief because the entire time I was just chanting to myself that i wouldn’t be pregnant anymore and that carried me on through 😂

This pregnancy has been the complete opposite and I’ve loved almost all of it. This is my last baby so I’ve really embraced every aspect. We’ve had a few complications like placenta previa but luckily that resolved itself and I can have another natural birth. Lately, my doctor has been concerned that my baby isn’t getting enough blood flow but the baby is measuring perfectly on track.

Yesterday I went in for my 36 week appointment where my doctor did a bedside scan. The blood flow to the baby is still on the low side. The dr said she literally cannot explain why the baby hasn’t stopped growing - it should have stopped growing weeks ago with the blood flow it’s getting. She said “this baby is going against everything I know medically. Babies are meant to get everything they need from the placenta but yours must be getting it from somewhere else”. I suggested it was from the chocolate and ice cream 😂. Baby has been super low and engaged since about 28/30 weeks, I haven’t lost any fluids or blood which the doctor said I should have by now with the blood flow. It’s like a ticking time bomb for something to go wrong basically. So I’m booked in for an ultrasound next Friday and a doc appointment straight after where it’s like 90% certain I’ll be getting induced.

When my doctor said this, I was speechless. It really took me by surprise. I think I’m still in shock now. I’d convinced myself that I would at least make it to my due date. I was really wanting to go into labour naturally to see what it was like. My due date is the 26th March so I thought I had at least 3 more weeks up my sleeve! My husband is soo excited and reckons I keep harshing his buzz coz I’m more nervous and I don’t really know why. We have everything we need. My mother in law is flying down next Saturday to help care for my daughter who will be having a sleep over on Friday night with a close friend anyway so she’s all cared for.

I’m such a meticulous planner and this really was a curve ball. I think it’s the week wait now that is killing me, on top of not knowing for absolute definite. With my daughter I went in for my 39w appt and they induced me straight away so there was no time to process. This next week is going to be manic 😂 anyway, thanks for holding on this far. Sorry it’s just a jumbled mess. I just need to voice my feelings. I’m not worried about being induced as I had the best experience last time. I just... I don’t know?! Shocked? I’m slowly getting excited to meet our little one - we don’t know the gender which is pretty cool.

My bags have been packed since 27 weeks, I just have to put the car seat in the car. I just don’t think I’ve got my head around having a baby in less than a week 😂🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

Pic of my lil 36 weeker 🥰