bardet-biedl syndrome

Please advice and help if you experienced this or anyone you know, we are currently expecting our rainbow baby after over a year of trying. I am currently 16 weeks pregnant and did a lot of generic testing, I came back positive for being a carrier of one copy of bardet-biedl syndrome. They recommend generic counseling and for my husband to get tested which he will, but doctor say it’s VERY unlikely that he too has that same syndrome in his DNA, unless we were to be related (he’s not) our appointment with the doctor isn’t for another week and I am so worried about my baby’s health. If I have ONE copy of the syndrome and my husband was not to have anything how would this play out? Has anyone had any complications or given birth to a beautiful baby with the syndrome. I am not sure if it’s because I’m so sensitive but god I just with for my kid to be the happiest and healthiest. All other tests came back normal, and no Down syndrome.