My relationship may become long-distance.. help 😣


Hey ladies. I need some help. So my mom is working hard to get a better job (become an RN) and we may be moving to a different state (I’m 17 btw). I live in New York and she wants to move to Florida. I have been dating my boyfriend (he’s 18) for 2 years now and I love him to no end. We have had an amazing relationship from the start and I would hate to not see him often. It makes me so sad just thinking about this. I would hate to lose him because he treats me so good and we’re great together. However, this whole moving situation may not happen for 2 years or so... possibly more. Time is flying and I’m just so worried. I want the best for me and my mom of course, I just hate the thought of moving away and not being with him. I know anything can happen to us in a matter of 2 years. I just need some advice so I can maybe feel better about this. Maybe someone has dealt with or is dealing with a similar situation?