
Does any one else have a problem staying (wet) during sex? I'm almost 12 weeks pregnant and have never had this problem pregnant or not this is my 4th pregnancy. The only thing different with this one is I have problems with my thyroid. My husband gets really annoyed and feels that I'm not attracted to him any more please help!!
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I had problems throughout my first trimester now I am back to normal.


Jessica • Nov 30, 2015
i hope I'm back to normal soon.


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I haven't during pregnancy but I had severe dryness issues after my son was born. I was on the depo shot after his birth and it made me absolutely miserable! I called it a drug induce menopause. I had nearly every symptom of menopause. I thought I was going crazy! Once I stopped the shot it still took a year for me to feel normal again. Before we realized what it was we used had to lubrications. To add to the whole thing I had scare tissue from my episiotomy that made sex very painful. I would definitely recommend you pick up a small tube of lubrication to help through the process. Your dr might even be able to suggest a good one or give you a free sample. Good luck! 


Jessica • Nov 30, 2015
thanks i will have to ask the dr about it i was on the iud for 3 years and had it removed almost 3 months ago. i found out i was pregnant a little over a month if having it removed. i told him it could be because of the iud and the thyroid and he always says im making excuses.


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I had that I was sosos dry!! Everybody is different tho use lube it helps! Lol


Jessica • Nov 30, 2015
yeah we have tried lube idk he dint like it he says it makes him really sticky. And always tells me he feels that I'm not attracted to him any more even when i tell him all the time that i am.