She couldn’t wait till march


Little princess decided she didn’t want to wait till March she was born February 25th at 11:30pm.

On Wednesday I had my appt and my doctor checked me and I was a 3 and cervix very soft and he said he would probably be seeing me Thursday evening or over the weekend. I laughed at him because this is baby #5 and I’ve never gone into labor on my own I always had to be induced.

Thursday morning I was doing E learning with my two older boys and was feeling very uncomfortable, I was behind on laundry so I did laundry all day. Around 400 is when I started timing my contractions they got pretty painful and closer together around 530 called my doctor at 6 jumped in shower and got things in car and headed to the hostpial, get to the hospital at 8 put me in a room and check me and I’m 4 1/2 centimeters and am having contractions so they decide to admit me we get the IV so I can get the epidural by time all the questions and stuff are done it’s now around 930 I get the epidural at 1000ish I’m now a 5 1/2 so she gets the peanut ball I sit with that between my legs till 1120ish when I start feeling a ton of pressure get checked again and I’m a 1 with bulging bag of water they call my doctor in, he gets scrubbed up pops my water they put my legs on the stirrups my mom made me laughed and her came out I pushed for a second and she was completely out. I literally laughed her out.

She’s the smallest one of my babies weighing 7lbs 5oz 19 inches.