Not " clocking out"?

Anybody feel like they can't clock out even when your SO is home and helping with the kids? Like if I were to take a nap or want to rest, just hearing my kids in the living room or just period makes me feel like i have to get up too?

My husband brought up how I tend to get frustrated with the kids when I'm overwhelmed and he feels like he's not doing enough to make me feel like i can relax. I told him how its hard for me to be able to in this house because of what i described above and he didn't understand.

Anyone else feel like this? Is this normal?

We also talked about balancing the chores and kids out and he expressed that hed rather have me just focus on the kids and he'd take care of everything else. When i explained to him that having the kids in my face all day is not what i want because that's what gets me frustrated- his face expression made me feel like i shouldn't have said that as a mom. I tried to explain that i need time away from the kids and be able to do chores as well without them in my face and maybe he didn't intend to but his face expression made me feel like a shit mom. Like " woow you need time away from your kids?" Idk. I'm putting the kids to nap rn while he cleans and then im heading out for some me time and maybe I'm just not trying to feel guilty about it.
