Accidentally natural birth story!


This is my third baby, with my other two I had an epidural and initially wanted a natural birth to experience it once as she’s our last. But then the storm hit Texas, we lost our home, so much bad happened. I wasn’t in the best headspace and on top of it all, was told I needed to get an induction. Pitocin contractions are no joke, so I decided I was going to make it as easy of an experience as possible with an epidural because it had been a hard enough past two weeks. I had nothing to prove.

So I went into my induction yesterday morning at 8 am, I was already 4 cm and 50% effaced, so off to a good start. It was busy in L&D so they held off on starting the pit till 12. I wanted to hold off on getting the epidural until it became painful. Once my water broke at 2:30, I decided it was time. I was at 6 cm by that point, and got the epi but I could immediately tell something was wrong because I could still feel everything except a little tingling in my feet and calves. I felt every single contraction and they were getting strong FAST.

They said to wait 20 minutes, it could take time to kick in. I kept pushing the button to release the medicine and it was only numbing my feet and lower half of my legs. So not only was I in excruciating pain, but I couldn’t move my lower half in positions to try to get comfortable. By the time the anesthesiologist came back almost an hour later, they realized it hadn’t set right and offered to try again but I had gone from 6 to a 10 in that hour so not an option. By that point I had been shaking, cussing, crying, screaming up a storm the whole time, and I legitimately thought I was going to pass out because I was in so much pain. My husband said “you’re going to get your natural birth after all!” And I could’ve killed him 😂

Pushing was intense, you’re in so much pain that it’s hard to focus! But you want it to end so badly you just have to do it. Three contractions later, baby Lorraine Grey came out at 3:44 pm weighing 8 lbs 5 oz! And it was my first time not tearing at all. I was so overwhelmed and emotional by the whole experience, and I just love her so much 😭 I have to say I’m glad that I got to experience all of it, but I’m angry I got the epidural because it was useless and only caused me to have more problems. In the end, I felt very proud of myself, so strong and powerful. It was a life changing experience, that’s for sure. I’m just so happy we’re all healthy and happy, and I have my sweet girl now 🧡