Grieving the loss of a parent that's alive


I am wondering if this is a common feeling for others. To grieve the loss of a parent or loved one that is not deceased but alive.

I lost my dad about 6 weeks before my wedding due to a stroke. My mom is alive but suffered a stroke 10 months ago.

My relationship with my momis strained due to her husband. She is completely dependent on him as she is paralyzed from the chest down. Her husband and I do not have a good relationship and he makes it so hard to see her or even talk with her on the phone. I am 34 weeks pregnant during a pandemic too so it is extremely hard to balance and hormones are crazy. I find myself crying about this several times a day now.

I miss my mom so very much and she is just 15 minutes away and I am not allowed to see her. It has been 3 months since I have seen her last. Tomorrow I am seeing her for her birthday and I am so worried I am just going to hug her and not let go and break down crying. My husband has been so amazing and has tried as well to make it possible to see her.

We got super upset today as her husband decided to plan a surprise birthday party for her in the middle of the week. Asking me to decorate and bring all the food. The guest list was massive and none of her family was invited. I had to say no as we cannot be around that many people with me being so sick with a high risk pregnancy during a pandemic. She was supposed to have plans with her sisters that day (they weren't even invited to the party) and now they are upset as they haven't seen her for over a year because of him.

I just can't stop crying. To have a parent I love so much and not be able to be near them feels like a death all over again for me. I was the sole caregiver of my dad till his passing and it was so hard for me. I want to be there for my mom in the same way.