My mother called me a selfish child

I'm gonna use some colorful language towards my mother so if that offends you don't read it.

My mom called me last night saying she's $200 short for rent and asked if I could help her out. I told her I didn't have it. I have a 15 year old son going through chemotherapy and with all that and bills we have no money to spare. She got bitchy with me and said I'm a selfish child who cares about nobody but myself and that I don't call her enough or help her and that I'm a terrible daughter. This bitch had the fucking audacity!

Let me explain why this pissed me off. This women wasn't a mother. I have 3 brothers and none of them talk to her. She had a boyfriend when we were kids and her boyfriend had raped my two youngest brothers. My brothers were 14 and 9 at the time. I was 15 and my older brother was 17. He traumatized both my brothers but caused a lot of physical damage to my 9 year old brother. My mom chose him over us and we went into the foster system. We were all split up but I ran away a lot to find my brothers. My mom never tried to get us back, instead she was chasing after a pedophile. Once we all aged out we hadn't heard anything from my mom. She didn't contact us until her pedophile boyfriend died and she never once apologized. She just tried to come in our lives like it was nothing. All 3 of my brothers pretty much told her to fuck off and I did too at first. But.... Then I felt guilty... I didn't want her to be alone. She had nobody. No boyfriend, no kids, no friends.. I was the only one who forgave her. Maybe it was easier for me to forgive her because I wasn't raped and I don't blame my brother at all. But me forgiving her caused a lot of tension in me and my brothers relationship. I made the mistake of trying to get them to talk to her and have a relationship. I understand now that was wrong. Their trauma is their trauma and if the best way for them to cope is not have contact with her then I need to respect that. To this day none of her sons talk to her. She has used me for money. Has never called to check up on her grandson going through chemo. Has never cared about anyone but herself. But for her to call me selfish a terrible child when I was the only one who forgave her ass! I could have left her to fucking die alone but I didn't. I forgave her even though she wasn't sorry. I was the only child who stayed and this bitch has the fucking audacity. I'm just so pissed off!