Introducing my second baby girl ! 💞

Heather • 33yo wife & girl mama. Ivy Brielle 9/29/19💗Rose Liana 2/21/21💗

Rose Liana was born Sunday 2/21/21 at 8:51pm weighing 7lb 9oz 20 inches long - I was 38w+3d.

Birth story:

I was having prodromal labor for days leading up to the real thing. Sometimes they’d stay for 4 hours then disappear. I also was losing my mucus plug for days as well. Finally Sunday morning, the day she was born at 4am I felt a gush while up using the bathroom. I thought it was my water but it was blood. Officially my bloody show. Real (early labor) contractions started quickly afterwards. I could easily tell the difference because they were more painful than the prodromal contractions I had been experiencing for days.

I was in early labor all day, contractions anywhere from 5-12 minutes apart. Inconsistent intervals but consistently painful. Finally around 4pm they were consistently 5 minutes apart and we went to L&D. When I arrived I was 3.5cm & 70% effaced. They kept me in the assessment unit for two hours to see if I progressed any. Within the two hours contractions became about 3 minutes apart & I was now 5cm & 90% effaced. I was admitted & brought up to my room by 7pm.

When I got there & nurses were busy trying to get me all settled, contractions were getting increasingly painful. Within an hour I felt a lot of pressure to poo. It was not poo. My water broke & that quickly with only a few hours in actual active labor I was 10cm 100% effaced complete. She was born with only 5 minutes of pushing. I had a first degree tear & neither of us had complications.

My doc who always delivers his patients unless out of town was unfortunately out of town that weekend. So I’m sad about that, but very thankful his colleague came in & did amazing for us.

As mentioned, she is my second born, my second baby girl. After losing my first daughter Ivy Brielle at a month old in 2019 due to an infection turned septic.

Ivy Brielle - pic of my firstborn. 👇🏼

I am so thankful for you both, so proud to be your mama my sweet girls & will love you two forever.💗💗🌿🌹💗💗