Strange side effect

Jam • Wife • 4/5/20 Ellie-Mae ♥️
Just wondering if there is anyone out there who has experienced the same problem as me. 
A year ago I started using the patch (I'm not on it anymore) and it was soon after that I noticed after eating a meal I would get extremely bloated and have stomach pain. 
After a while of watching what I'd eat I realized it was any food containing wheat flour that bothered me. 
I started taking meta mucil anytime I ate and that helped for a while then eventually I had to completely cut it out of my diet.  
I stopped using the patch and after the medication was out of my system and my cycles were back to normal I started eating whatever I wanted again with no problems. 
Not sure why birth control would cause something like that but there's no other cause I can think of. 
Has anyone experienced anything similar to that?