How to make money fast... serious suggestions please

I know times are hard for everyone right now, and I’m not expecting miracles or anything, just looking for some ideas to help raise some cash quickly.

My parents have been going through a real tough time recently and it seems like it’s been one thing after another for months. I know they are struggling financially because of the knock on affects of almost a year of lockdowns, work interruptions, illness, family emergencies, car troubles, etc.

They are so amazing and would do anything they could to help me and my family out, and seeing them looking to tired and stressed is breaking my heart.

I’ve helped as much as I can- and I know things must be pretty bad because last month my dad, a typically very proud and independent man, actually asked to borrow money from me for the first time EVER- but I’m also out of work currently so can’t spare much more. I just really want to help them like they’ve helped me so many times.

Any ideas on how I can bring some extra cash in to help them out would be massively appreciated.

Thanks in advance, bless you ♥️