HCG after miscarriage


I had a very early (5 weeks) miscarriage on 2/2. On that day, my HCG was 98. To confirm the miscarriage they drew my labs again on 2/4 and the number was 40. They are tracing them back to zero, so they did another draw on 2/12 and it was 30. On that day, I had an appointment and was told we could go back to trying as soon as I felt ready. I started taking ovulation tests that day and got a positive on the 16th or 17th (I can’t remember). I had another draw this past Friday (2/26) and my HCG was 27. Is it normal for them to take so long to go all the way down, or is there a possibility of this being a new pregnancy? I’m so confused, and obviously don’t want to get my hopes up.