Miscarry everytime before heartbeat 😢💔


I have now had 6 miscarriages and they all seem to be before I get to a heartbeat. Anyone else the same? This time felt different as hcg levels doubled as expected but today I’m 5+6 and they have gone from 717 2 days ago to 150! I just can’t even get to the point of seeing anything on a scan! All investigations have come back healthy, uterus looks fine, levels are fine, no blood issues detected. I have no visible issues but because of recurrent miscarriage this pregnancy was prescribed with progesterone, steroids and blood thinners, in the hope that something would work. It didn’t! Do I have bad eggs? I just don’t understand anything anymore. I feel like the biggest let down and just want to talk to someone who has gone through the same. I googled ‘miscarry before heartbeat’ but nothing! This is the fist time on meds and I thought it was going to work, now I just feel like it’s just me 😢