Would you be concerned?


Back when I was about 22, I went to my GP because I had really bad acne. She casually says ‘oh, you probably just have PCOS’ and gives me some medicated cream and birth control pills.

Flash forward 8 years. Married, TTC with my husband. Came off birth control in August, and things seemed to be perfectly normal. Cycles like clockwork 28 days, EWCM between days 12-15, periods arriving the morning of the 28th day... we got busy, but not concerned to much with anything. With no BFP by February , we started tracking OPKs

First month tracking, I ended up getting the LH surge on day 8! No EWCM at all. Period was 5 days late. Plus I started getting horrible breakouts. Now on month two of OPKs, day 15, still no LH surge, no EGCM. We’ve been trying to BD, but it’s super painful :/

I’m getting worried that the GP was right back when I was 22, I do have PCOS which is messing with my cycles. I was wondering if perhaps last cycle was just anovulatory, but it feels like this month is on the same track to being weird.

Current (male) GP won’t even talk fertility/ cycles until we have tried for 12 cycles, but I’m feeling like something is wrong. Plus... super painful sex and a face full of acne sucks!

Would you be worried? Or just ignore it for the next 5 months :/