TTC over 40 & tubal reversal


He there just wanting too here from lady’s in the mature category who are trying to conceive and that have had a tubal reversal ... now my story

I’m 40 I have 3 children to a previous partner. I have since remarried and my husband has no children I had a tubal ligation 16 years ago after my last child. We tried some rounds of bull billed <a href="">ivf</a> so that we didn’t have to go through a reversal but after 5 <a href="">ivf</a> rounds and no success we sort another specialists opinion and that’s when we were told that under bull billing rules a woman of my age could never get pregnant through <a href="">ivf</a> as the medication amounts for final f etc are capped at 300 where as older women need more between 500-800 per shot so after throwing all that money down the tube or specialist suggested getting a tubal reversal done. We did this in September 2020 and then went back 3 mths later to get a hycosy done too check if the operation was successful and to see if the finals could be used or were dead. So after the most painful event of my life to date it revealed I had a fully working left tube but my right tube didn’t show blood flow so it’s useless. My doctor was happy with the results and said that there is still a good chance of getting pregnant naturally now. I’m on my second month of clomid I ovulate regularly but he put me on this just too super charge my ovaries so that they might develop on my left side making it easier too conceive.

Atm I’m 5 DPO and my at is due on the 11th March. I was told by my doctor that I would run the chance of having multiple pregnancy as I would likely ovulate more then 1 egg. I’m desperate to bless my husband with a child so he can enjoy the blessings of a child.

Is anyone or has anyone had and successful pregnancy after a tubal reversal?

Good luck and baby dust too all xx