Help with anxiety, panic attacks.

I have always suffered from social anxiety as far back as kindergarten. In kindergarten I wouldn’t even talk to the teacher because of my anxiety. I actually went through a stage in high school where I thought my anxiety was gone and I was really outgoing, adventurous, and happy.

But in my 20s my anxiety came back. I would dread social situations and actually have panic attacks and sleepless nights leading up to it. Now in my late 20s this week has been hell on my anxiety the worse week ever. I’m even having panic attacks thinking about some embarrassing situations I was in over 10 years ago that just randomly pop in my head. I don’t know why or what is triggering these panic attacks and anxiety. I feel lost and confused and depressed. I can’t describe the feeling but it’s killing me.

I’m looking for tips on anxiety how to handle it how to manage it. I have never been on any medication for my anxiety although I think I would probably benefit from it. I know everyone’s advice is going to be go to a doctor or therapy but I don’t have health insurance or money for therapy. So I’m looking for advice on how to manage it by myself.