
So a little background, I'm 19 years old, pregnant with my rainbow baby (it's a boy!). I'm currently 32 weeks and 1 day but I'm having some issues that maybe you guys can help me with? So starting around 26 weeks I was having contractions alongside backpain, nausea, night sweats and lower back pain too. I didn't think much of it and considered it as just Braxton Hicks. That's until it got bad and was consistent everyday all day for almost a week and half. I went to the ER and found out I was indeed having preterm contractions. I was shocked because it wasn't terrible like I imagined but it wasn't comfortable either. It was mainly the back pain that hurt the most. Well now I'm having mild to strong period like cramping with my whole entire belly hardening and I'm starting to get some back pain again. I haven't lost my mucus plug and I haven't had much change in diet or anything. I drink a lot of water and stay on top of vitamins and water in take. What do y'all think is going on? Preterm labor? Labor? Braxton Hicks?? I'm so confused (first time mom)