

Hey guys I just got off my period 3 days ago, and I have a short cycle so I start testing my LH a few days after my period I usually ovulate between cycle day 9-12. Anyways I started testing LH this morning, well it was pretty dark, thought that was odd because I just got off my period, so I took a pregnancy test and seen the tiniest faint line, thought was just a indent or Evap. Well I took my evening LH test and same thing so I took another pregnancy test and the line is darker and came up with in less than 2 minutes, still faint but darker than this morning. My period was also very odd this month, usually my periods are super heavy day 2&3 and last 3-4 days. This month it started off extremely light spotting for the first 2 days, was a bit heavier the next day and the 3rd day was spotting all day. Yesterday I had What looked like EWCM mixed with a tint of brown in it I thought that was odd too, that never happens to me. Is it possible that I could be pregnant? It doesn’t make any sense to me. I will retest tomorrow with FMU to see if there’s a difference but I’m super confused has anyone else experienced this!?