11 weeks pregnant and worried

Last night i had some blood when i went to the bathroom so i called my obgyn and they said just to monitor it and to not call back unless it becomes heavy like a period...this is supposed to be my rainbow baby i miscarried in early august at 8 weeks. Right now its just brown discharge but im starting to feel some lower abdominal cramps. Really worried. Dk what to do.
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Exact same thing happened to me tonight. My doc said fairly normal could be stress, too much walking or standing, lifting heavy objects (such as my 4 year old) but it's not uncommon especially after a holiday weekend. She feels like my body is telling me to take a break. My appointment is scheduled for tomorrow anyway so they said they will just check me out tomorrow. Sucks to have to wait ... Prayers with you as I pray for myself!  


Posted at
I was spotting brown at 7 weeks and my doctor made me get a blood test for blood type and a ultrasound to check on baby. Baby was great but turns out I'm 0- and needed a shot of rogam right away. I'd push to be checked out, especially if you've already had a loss. They say spotting can be normal in pregnancy but honestly my doctor said he always liked to check his patients whenever there is spotting. I haven't had any sense and now 10 weeks! Good luck!


Posted at
Not much you can do sweetie sorry. Just wait and see. It could be fine, sounds like the doctors think it is. If it's not, the only thing you can do is wait. It sucks, and I'm sorry. I'm hoping things are great and you have a beautiful rainbow baby. Not sure that anything will help but think about if the baby is fine, then your worry and stress are also what it is feeling. See if you can find something to make you feel better until you know for certain. Take care of yourself.


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If you're concerned I would tell your doctor you would like to come in and be checked out... They should be understanding especially since you have a previous loss