Just got kyleena about a month ago...


Hey this is my first time posting on this app! I'm 19 and I just got kyleena placed a little over a month ago. I dont expect to have a regular period for a while but for the past week or two I would have pretty severe cramping every few days only in the evenings. I'm convinced that I'm bleeding until I go check and theres not even spotting. I'll be at work talking to a customer and cramps will hit me so hard that I can barely talk or stand up straight.

I bled for the first two weeks after getting my IUD placed and cramped pretty bad but after that i was fine. And now I'm having to take three ibuprofen just to make it thorugh my shift. I was on the pill for over a year so I'm not used to cramps this bad but can anyone tell me why im cramping so bad all of a sudden and not bleeding?